Deprecated: Function Redux::setHelpTab is deprecated since version Redux 4.3! Use Redux::set_help_tab( $opt_name, $tab ) instead. in /home/bryanversteeg/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6031

Deprecated: Function Redux::setHelpSidebar is deprecated since version Redux 4.3! Use Redux::set_help_sidebar( $opt_name, $content ) instead. in /home/bryanversteeg/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6031
Home BV - Bryan Versteeg

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Home BV

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[elegant_title title=’Conceptual design artist for future technologies and space exploration’ title_color=” content=’When you can see what is at the end of the path, you’re more likely to walk in the right direction.’ content_color=” position=’center’ border_line=’yes’ border_color=’#000000′]


[separator type=’transparent’ color=” thickness=” up=’30’ down=’20’]


[image_with_text_over image_link=’’ background_color=” title=’Architectural Visualization’ title_color=” text=’High technology homes’ text_color=” link=” target=”]

[separator type=’transparent’ color=” thickness=” up=’10’ down=’10’]

Architectural Visualization

Helping the people who build, imagine before you start.


[image_with_text_over image_link=’’ background_color=” title=’Commercial Space Exploration’ title_color=” text=’Provoking change in our future’ text_color=” link=” target=”]

[separator type=’transparent’ color=” thickness=” up=’10’ down=’10’]

Private Space Programs

Space is no longer just within the reach of government agency’s.


[image_with_text_over image_link=’’ background_color=” title=’Concept Design’ title_color=” text=’Imagining the impossible’ text_color=” link=” target=”]

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Concept Design

Some concepts are hard to imagine, seeing a potential result can help the problem solving process.



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[elegant_title title=’Talk to me at Calgary Comic Expo – April 27-30, Booth 121′ title_color=’#ffffff’ content=” content_color=’#ffffff’ position=’center’ border_line=’yes’ border_color=’#ffffff’]











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[elegant_title title=’Some Recent Projects’ title_color=” content=’New projects added every week’ content_color=” position=’center’ border_line=’yes’ border_color=”]

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[parallax_section id=’3′ height=” title=’…’]

[portfolio_list type=’no_space’ columns=’3′ order_by=’date’ order=’ASC’ number=’24’ category=” selected_projects=” filter=’no’ filter_title=” lightbox=’yes’ show_load_more=’no’]

[button size=’medium’ color=” background_color=” font_size=” line_height=” font_style=’normal’ font_weight=” text=’Full Portfolio Here’ link=’′ target=”]


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Calgary , Alberta, Canada (not  shown)




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Nat Geo



Mars One logo


GEC architecture




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NSS logo


New Scientist logo


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